Crown Chakra ( 7th Chakra) Sahasrara is associated with the note B. It is located at the top of the head. It represents states of higher consciousness and divine connection. Imbalanced attributes would be cynicism, disregarding what is sacred, closedmindedness, and disconnection with spirit.
Affirmations to help balance the Crown Chakra:• I honor the Divine within me.• Information comes to me easily. • I Am worthy of love from Divine energy. • I Am open to letting go of my attachments. • I live in the present moment.
Crystals to carry to help balance chakra:• rainbow moonstone • howlite • selenite• clear quartz
3rd eye chakra (6th chakra) Anja It is associated with the note A. It is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It represents intuition, foresight,and is driven by openness and imagination. Imbalanced attributes would be lack of direction and lack of clarity.
Affirmations …